Assistive Technology: Providing an Education to all Students!

     The assistive technology assignment helped me gain experience that will help me better assist students with physical impairments that make traditional learning a challenge.I have learned that I can make small changes in the accessibility features standard to all computers to help students that have specialized learning needs. This assignment did pose some challenges for me. I had to go to an older model computer to complete the assignment because windows vista will not copy the full-page on magnification. It would only copy the botto portion and not the magnified portion. Then another challenge arose when I had to locate various boxes to turn on the auditory warning and the visual warning. The boxes were not identical to those in the assignment. This made the assignment quite challenging. However, I did find all these features in window vista. It is located in the control panel, and vista has the same features offered by windows xp. I feel prepared now to help my students who have visual, physical, and hearing disabilities. I just wish I knew all this two years ago when I became a teacher assistant to a visually impair student. I am thankful for all that I have learned through this assignment.

My Assistive Technology Power Point

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