Web Page Design Google Style

     I created a webpage. Did you hear me? This gal from Buzzard Roost, Mississippi created a classroom webpage that will add more resources to her classroom. I feel like I have learned so much this week. My favorite portion of creating my own page was the free source available through google. I did have a few glitches this week, but I refuse to let them stand in my way. One day, while creating my page this week, I forgot to save my page. I later returned to find it gone. After stomping around for a while, an idea crossed my mind. I wondered if my previous version might still be somewhere with in the google system. In a few clicks, I found an older version and my stomping turned into dancing. That is the only bump I ran into creating a webpage using Google.  I cannot wait to use my new-found skills of web design in my classroom.

You may view it here:

Christy Rouse’s Webpage

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