Web Tools: A Teacher’s Pot of Gold!

The web tools I used to complete this assignment offered efficient ways for me to create everyday classroom materials that the typical teacher uses. I had three parts to this assignment. The first part was to create a rubric.  The rubi star website made creating a rubric a breeze. I like that this site is free, and I also like that it allows you to make adjustments to fit the need of your assignment. I experienced no difficulty with this site because of its organization is so user-friendly. The second part of my assignment helped me create test in an easy way. The website I used was called Easy Test Maker.  It is a free website, but offer a more features if you purchase the plus version.  I had not problems with Easy Test Maker except with it came to matching answers. I could not figure out how to make the test maker to register the correct answer on the answer sheet. I tried several times, but my answers on the answer key were incorrect. I plan to return to the page and find the correct way to use the matching answers tool. Multiply choice, Fill in the blank, and True and False questions were very easy to set up.  I feel it offered an easy and fast way to create a test for my students. The third part of the assignment had me create bookmarks for my students to use. I loved how easy it was to gather websites I felt added to my daily instruction into one place. I used the web resource Tracking Star to create a wonderful array of websites to complement my instruction. If I were a teacher now, I would place this as a short cut on classroom computers, and send the bookmarks web address home in a news letter for my students. I feel all of these experiences are experiences that will enrich me classroom in a positive way. I am excited about the possibilities this experience has opened up for me as a future teacher.

Here is each part (click and observe):

Part one : Christy’s Rubistar Rubric

Part Two: Christy’s Easy Test Maker Test

Part Three : Christy’s Tracking Star Bookmarks

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