Turnitin: Keeping Students Honest!

     Due to the rise in the incidents of student plagiarism, we as teachers have to be very cautious about work our students turn in. Turnitin is an online resource for teacher to assess a student work to check to make sure the student has been honest and did their own work. This assignment was and eye-opening experience. The assignment had two parts. The first part I answered four questions by going to the internet and simply copying and pasting material to answer the questions. Then I turned in these questions and plagiarised answers to see what percentage of my paper would registered as plagiarized. Turnitin determined that my paper was 98% plagiarized. That is not all it did. It told me where the information came from as well. I can see this as an easy way to identify those students who press their luck with plagiarism. The second part of my assignment was to take the information I gathered from my plagiarized paper and rewrite that information in my own words. I changed my questions to statements just in case it recognized the questions as plagiarist materials and wrote the answers in my own words. I turned my part two paper into turnitin, and my part two paper returned to me as 0% plagiarized. I love this resource, and I hope to purchase a membership to it in the future.  I feel this assignment will help me keep my students honest in the learning in my classroom, and I am excited about this new-found resource I have at my finger tips.

Click below to view:

Christy’s Part Two Turnitin Results

One response to “Turnitin: Keeping Students Honest!

  1. Great job on your paper. It is so important that we teach our students how to think independantly, and not simply copy the thoughts of another person’s work. This is indeed a great tool, and it is very sensitive too. I had a very high score myself when I turned in my first draft. This program told me exactly where my information had come from too. Excellent job getting that 0%! : )

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