Google Groups: Working Together Made Easy!

     Google groups opened a new world of collaborative projects from me. I had no idea the google offered so many unique ways to interact among professional in the educational field of study. I was fortune to work with three truely talented professionals that were not afraid of venturing into uncharted digital territory with me. Our group discussion question uniquely represented our opinions and beliefs. The story we created seem to flow so easily from one paragraph to another.  I work on the excel document, and I truly amazed myself in how easy it was to navigate excel on the Google site.  I only identified one area I would like to focus on, and that is on the construction of the graphs. I want to learn to add more complex graphs in the future to excel documents in Google, and I know I will have research the various ways to create graphs using the Google excel experience. The our presentation was done by Larry Judge, who clearly has an excellent background knowledge working with powerpoint. The survey Christal Mitchel created was excellent and looked so professional. Our group leader was Kourtnee Parnell, and I can tell that she will lead her future class to great success. We all came together Saturday morning to put the final touches on our Google Group projects and celebrate its completion on wimba classroom. We used google chat and wimba classroom to meet several times throughout the week. It was so neat to watch someone work on a document at the same time you are from another computer miles away. I really gained so much experience from this project that I can not list everything I want to say. I do however want to thank my partners: Larry Judge, Christal Mitchell, and Kourtnee Parnell. Thank you for making this project so enjoyable.

Here are our links: Group Discussion, Google Group PP, Group Story, Excel File,  and Survey Link Form

Our group listserv is :

One response to “Google Groups: Working Together Made Easy!

  1. I am so fortunate to have been able to work with you on this project. I think we had a great group of dedicated, hard-working people on our team. It was so much fun being able to work with others and hear different ideas and opinions. My favorite part was the story. I am definately incorporating a group story activity into my lesson plans.

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