Concept Mapping: A Guide to Learning

      As an educator we have to take concepts and map them into an organized manner that is easy for our students to follow. Concept mapping is an effective technological tool for teachers to create lessons that are precise enough to meet concepts and standard set by The Department of Education. Concept maps take multiple amounts information about a topic an organizes it so that a student can easily follow. The best feature about concept mapping is its versatility. It can also be used as a learning tool used by the student. Writing assignments and projects can be designed using concept mapping technology. Students can organize their thoughts about a concept to convey a clear message that does not drift off the topic they are presenting. Concept mapping software is available for teacher, students, and administrators, and this software is designed to make a concept map more intriguing to the viewer and the creator.
For my first assignment in IT 465 , I used Inspiration 9.0 to create my concept map about North America. I chose several of the heavily populated countries of North America for subtopics of my main topic North America. Then I designed the subtopics to introduce that country’s flag and to familiarize the students with the native people originally from that country. This is just an example of how concept mapping can begin to design a lesson that is focused and effective. Designing my concept map using the Inspiration 9.0 software proved to be a much easier experience in the design than  my previous experiences using various word processing software  programs.  This software offered better pictures and the insertion of these pictures into the concept map took only seconds to accomplish. I would recommend this software to everyone in the education profession.  It makes concept mapping a truly enjoyable professional experience.

I have enclosed two example of my concept map of North America.

1. This document was designed using Inspiration 9.0 , but because of the versatile nature of the software I able to convert it to a word docume

North America

North America

2. This the concept map in the Inspirational 9.0 format.

North America

3 responses to “Concept Mapping: A Guide to Learning

  1. Great job, Christy! I was afraid I got carried away, but I see you did too! Your concept map is easy to read and progresses effectively from topic to subtopics to sub-subtopics. Great use of the software!


    • Thanks Larry, I love technology! I however had a problem with the uploading of the word doc. It took a long time, and I was afraid many of you would not be sitting waiting for it to upload. So, I added it via Google doc too. I will take a look at yours soon. I am taking a full load this summer. I spend many of my evenings reading! I would not change it though. Have a wonderful week. =)

  2. Wow! That is such a great concept map. I loved the green background. You are very creative, and very detailed in your explaination of the assignment. You did an excellent job on this assignment.

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