IT465 Reflection: Integrating Technology in the Classroom

      This course  has opened my eyes to the technological possibilities that will enrich my students learning experiences.  I began this course feeling that I knew something about technology, but I found out I only knew a few things. Through activities in this course I have taken off my technological training wheels, and I am free styling creatively using technology. In my first activity for this course, I created this blog to share with my classmates. It was fun to create a community of learners among my fellow blogging classmates. For my second activity, I created a concept map using the software Inspiration. I love this technology so much that I purchased it for 69 bucks two weeks ago because I continued to use it after the assignment. It is worth every penny. After the completion of my concept mapping assignment, I embarked on a project the helped me express a battle my son Jude is facing. It was an emotional journey in movie making using Windows Movie Maker that proved to provide a great tool for other assignments in other online courses. My next assignment was Google groups. This assignment opened the world of collaborative work that can be done using Google docs.  I worked with four of my classmates that were a joy to work with. The next assignment was titled Web tools, and it turned out to be a true pot of gold for this soon to be teacher. I made a  grading rubric, multiple test, and bookmarks using free online resources. I am a teacher who loves free stuff that makes my job a little easier. Following the Web Tools assignment, I embarked on the adventure of learning about the dangers plagiarism in the classroom through the Turnitin assignment. I learned there are tools out there to help me identify students who plagiarise, and my role of keeping them informed on the legal ramifications plagiarism poses to them. Then create my own website using some more Google, fabulous online resources.  Mv very last assignment was called Assistive technology. It taught me to use my computer to help student who have vision and hearing impairments that make using the computer difficult without using assistive feature that come standard on all computers. It helped me open the technological world of learning to all my students.

I had a few problems as I embarked on a couple of my assignments, but I quickly realized it was a confidence issue that quickly was overcame by never giving up. I stayed with it until I accomplished it. I believe that it made my weakest issue my strongest issue. My confidence in using technology has increased greatly. For example, I had never created a webpage, and I was extremely frightened I may mess something up.  Well, I did and the world continued to turn. I did the assignment twice, and never did not dwell on my failure, but reveled in my accomplishment.

Interaction among my peers in this course was easy. I had a class full of professional minded individuals. I used email, wimba chat, my blog, and google chat.  Each were easy to use, and I liked the wimba classroom experience while working on my Google Group Project. When I used blackboard email, I had a few problems. Many emails I sent to my google group partners would return or would not send. So, I chose to interact with my partners via wimba chat and google chat. I did email Dr. Wang on several occasion, and she never hesitated to answer my questions. I really value that in a professor. Google chat is still new to me. I wanted to use the live video chat but could not completely figure out how to use it. I am still working on it.  The blog communication was fun when I had time to do it. I commented periodically on several blogs, but finding the time in a two month period was hard. However, I enjoyed reading everyone’s blog at sometime or another. I may not have commented on everyone’s blog, but I have read something from all of them. The communication tool I used the most was the email. I feel its familiarity to me offered advantages over the other forms of communication in this course. The disadvantages of email are that it is not a live chat and sometimes the communication is not as clear as a live chat would be.  During our Google Group project, I believe that the best way we were able to communicate was through the wimba chat. We met on a Saturday and the project was completed that same day. I recommend it for other Google Groups.

In conclusion, I have never learned so much in such short time. I feel like a better equipped teacher with technology at my finger tips. There is one valuable lesson I have learned from this course. It is to never stop learning, and keep up to date on all technological advances. Our students need teachers that prepare them for the 21st century.

Assistive Technology: Providing an Education to all Students!

     The assistive technology assignment helped me gain experience that will help me better assist students with physical impairments that make traditional learning a challenge.I have learned that I can make small changes in the accessibility features standard to all computers to help students that have specialized learning needs. This assignment did pose some challenges for me. I had to go to an older model computer to complete the assignment because windows vista will not copy the full-page on magnification. It would only copy the botto portion and not the magnified portion. Then another challenge arose when I had to locate various boxes to turn on the auditory warning and the visual warning. The boxes were not identical to those in the assignment. This made the assignment quite challenging. However, I did find all these features in window vista. It is located in the control panel, and vista has the same features offered by windows xp. I feel prepared now to help my students who have visual, physical, and hearing disabilities. I just wish I knew all this two years ago when I became a teacher assistant to a visually impair student. I am thankful for all that I have learned through this assignment.

My Assistive Technology Power Point

Web Page Design Google Style

     I created a webpage. Did you hear me? This gal from Buzzard Roost, Mississippi created a classroom webpage that will add more resources to her classroom. I feel like I have learned so much this week. My favorite portion of creating my own page was the free source available through google. I did have a few glitches this week, but I refuse to let them stand in my way. One day, while creating my page this week, I forgot to save my page. I later returned to find it gone. After stomping around for a while, an idea crossed my mind. I wondered if my previous version might still be somewhere with in the google system. In a few clicks, I found an older version and my stomping turned into dancing. That is the only bump I ran into creating a webpage using Google.  I cannot wait to use my new-found skills of web design in my classroom.

You may view it here:

Christy Rouse’s Webpage

Turnitin: Keeping Students Honest!

     Due to the rise in the incidents of student plagiarism, we as teachers have to be very cautious about work our students turn in. Turnitin is an online resource for teacher to assess a student work to check to make sure the student has been honest and did their own work. This assignment was and eye-opening experience. The assignment had two parts. The first part I answered four questions by going to the internet and simply copying and pasting material to answer the questions. Then I turned in these questions and plagiarised answers to see what percentage of my paper would registered as plagiarized. Turnitin determined that my paper was 98% plagiarized. That is not all it did. It told me where the information came from as well. I can see this as an easy way to identify those students who press their luck with plagiarism. The second part of my assignment was to take the information I gathered from my plagiarized paper and rewrite that information in my own words. I changed my questions to statements just in case it recognized the questions as plagiarist materials and wrote the answers in my own words. I turned my part two paper into turnitin, and my part two paper returned to me as 0% plagiarized. I love this resource, and I hope to purchase a membership to it in the future.  I feel this assignment will help me keep my students honest in the learning in my classroom, and I am excited about this new-found resource I have at my finger tips.

Click below to view:

Christy’s Part Two Turnitin Results

Web Tools: A Teacher’s Pot of Gold!

The web tools I used to complete this assignment offered efficient ways for me to create everyday classroom materials that the typical teacher uses. I had three parts to this assignment. The first part was to create a rubric.  The rubi star website made creating a rubric a breeze. I like that this site is free, and I also like that it allows you to make adjustments to fit the need of your assignment. I experienced no difficulty with this site because of its organization is so user-friendly. The second part of my assignment helped me create test in an easy way. The website I used was called Easy Test Maker.  It is a free website, but offer a more features if you purchase the plus version.  I had not problems with Easy Test Maker except with it came to matching answers. I could not figure out how to make the test maker to register the correct answer on the answer sheet. I tried several times, but my answers on the answer key were incorrect. I plan to return to the page and find the correct way to use the matching answers tool. Multiply choice, Fill in the blank, and True and False questions were very easy to set up.  I feel it offered an easy and fast way to create a test for my students. The third part of the assignment had me create bookmarks for my students to use. I loved how easy it was to gather websites I felt added to my daily instruction into one place. I used the web resource Tracking Star to create a wonderful array of websites to complement my instruction. If I were a teacher now, I would place this as a short cut on classroom computers, and send the bookmarks web address home in a news letter for my students. I feel all of these experiences are experiences that will enrich me classroom in a positive way. I am excited about the possibilities this experience has opened up for me as a future teacher.

Here is each part (click and observe):

Part one : Christy’s Rubistar Rubric

Part Two: Christy’s Easy Test Maker Test

Part Three : Christy’s Tracking Star Bookmarks

Google Groups: Working Together Made Easy!

     Google groups opened a new world of collaborative projects from me. I had no idea the google offered so many unique ways to interact among professional in the educational field of study. I was fortune to work with three truely talented professionals that were not afraid of venturing into uncharted digital territory with me. Our group discussion question uniquely represented our opinions and beliefs. The story we created seem to flow so easily from one paragraph to another.  I work on the excel document, and I truly amazed myself in how easy it was to navigate excel on the Google site.  I only identified one area I would like to focus on, and that is on the construction of the graphs. I want to learn to add more complex graphs in the future to excel documents in Google, and I know I will have research the various ways to create graphs using the Google excel experience. The our presentation was done by Larry Judge, who clearly has an excellent background knowledge working with powerpoint. The survey Christal Mitchel created was excellent and looked so professional. Our group leader was Kourtnee Parnell, and I can tell that she will lead her future class to great success. We all came together Saturday morning to put the final touches on our Google Group projects and celebrate its completion on wimba classroom. We used google chat and wimba classroom to meet several times throughout the week. It was so neat to watch someone work on a document at the same time you are from another computer miles away. I really gained so much experience from this project that I can not list everything I want to say. I do however want to thank my partners: Larry Judge, Christal Mitchell, and Kourtnee Parnell. Thank you for making this project so enjoyable.

Here are our links: Group Discussion, Google Group PP, Group Story, Excel File,  and Survey Link Form

Our group listserv is :

My Experience with Windows Movie Maker

     It was a joy to make a video using windows movie makers. I chose to use both text narration and voice narration throughout the movie I created. This method brought out the emotions of my main character’s experience in this video. I like that the movie maker software is so easy to use. I had Windows Live Movie Maker, so it was a little different from Window Movie Maker. There are few issues that I feel I need to work on. The transitions between music and narrations in my movie I feel caused me the most problems. I feel that practice will be the key to resolving the transition issue. I absolutely loved my first movie, and I will take my new movie making skills into my classroom. I want my students to feel a sense of accomplishment that goes far beyond a paper and pencil test.

My Movie:

Jude’s Story

Concept Mapping: A Guide to Learning

      As an educator we have to take concepts and map them into an organized manner that is easy for our students to follow. Concept mapping is an effective technological tool for teachers to create lessons that are precise enough to meet concepts and standard set by The Department of Education. Concept maps take multiple amounts information about a topic an organizes it so that a student can easily follow. The best feature about concept mapping is its versatility. It can also be used as a learning tool used by the student. Writing assignments and projects can be designed using concept mapping technology. Students can organize their thoughts about a concept to convey a clear message that does not drift off the topic they are presenting. Concept mapping software is available for teacher, students, and administrators, and this software is designed to make a concept map more intriguing to the viewer and the creator.
For my first assignment in IT 465 , I used Inspiration 9.0 to create my concept map about North America. I chose several of the heavily populated countries of North America for subtopics of my main topic North America. Then I designed the subtopics to introduce that country’s flag and to familiarize the students with the native people originally from that country. This is just an example of how concept mapping can begin to design a lesson that is focused and effective. Designing my concept map using the Inspiration 9.0 software proved to be a much easier experience in the design than  my previous experiences using various word processing software  programs.  This software offered better pictures and the insertion of these pictures into the concept map took only seconds to accomplish. I would recommend this software to everyone in the education profession.  It makes concept mapping a truly enjoyable professional experience.

I have enclosed two example of my concept map of North America.

1. This document was designed using Inspiration 9.0 , but because of the versatile nature of the software I able to convert it to a word docume

North America

North America

2. This the concept map in the Inspirational 9.0 format.

North America

Who is Christy Rouse?

I am the only female in this picture. I am outnumbered!

     Hi, I am a student at the University of Southern Mississippi pursuing a career in Elementary and Special Education. I am currently a Junior, and plan to graduate in the fall of 2012. I have worked in the George County School System for two years as a special education inclusion teacher assistant.

    I am thirty something, and I have been married for the last 19 years to the love of my life, Dayton.  He is also in college and working full-time as well, so life has been interesting in the last year. We have three wonderful boys. Luke is a Junior in high school and my oldest. Mark is a seventh grader and the middle child. Jude is in first grade and is my youngest. They keep me very busy, and they fill my days with joy. I look forward to learning more about technology to use in their lives as well as in my future classroom. I am also looking forward to getting to know my classmates as well.